Frequenty Asked Questions About Career and Life Transitions Coaching

FAQs About Coaching

  • What is coaching?

    The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as “partnering in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires a person to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.

  • How does coaching differ from therapy?

    Coaching is a partnership that helps you access your inner resources and maximizes your potential.

    In contrast, therapists are trained mental health professionals with the goal of treating mental illness.

  • What is Somatic Coaching?

    Somatic Coaching is a holistic approach that taps into the mind-body connection. By incorporating body awareness and exploring physical sensations and emotions, somatic coaching provides a deep exploration of your inner and outer experiences. Through this approach, you can gain valuable insights and transform your mindset that connects you deeper to your self paving the way for inner clarity, which is the foundation for successful career and life transition. Learn more about my approach to Somatic Coaching.

FAQs About Coaching With Me

  • How do you approach coaching, and what can I expect in our sessions?

    My coaching approach is centered on self-discovery, personal growth, and connectedness. I offer a holistic approach that integrate various modalities including Somatic Coaching and CliftonStrengths. In our sessions, we'll work together to identify your strengths, values, and goals, and develop a personalized plan to help you achieve your aspirations. I strive to create a safe and supportive space where you feel heard and empowered to take charge of your career journey.

  • How long does coaching typically last, and how often will we meet?

    Coaching timelines can vary depending on your individual needs and goals. Typically, clients engage in coaching for several weeks. During this time, we'll meet regularly - usually weekly or biweekly - to work towards your goals and track your progress. However, the frequency and duration of our sessions can be adjusted to meet your unique needs and schedule.

  • What are your certifications?

    I hold several certifications including:

    -Level 1 (ACC), ICF
    -Mindfulness, somatic, and wellbeing coach, Mindfulness Coaching School
    -CliftonStrengths Global Coach, Gallup
    -Happiness at Work, Berkeley University
    -Internal Family Systems Coaching Applications, Coaching with Spirit
    See full list

FAQs About Career Transitions Coaching

  • What is CliftonStrengths®, and how can it help me in my career transition?

    CliftonStrengths® is an assessment that identifies your natural talents and strengths. By understanding your strengths, you can better align your career goals with what you're naturally good at, which can lead to more fulfilling and successful career transitions. I provide the assesment as part of our coaching engagement.

  • I'm feeling overwhelmed by my career transition. How can coaching help me manage my stress and emotions?

    Career transitions can be challenging, and it's common to feel overwhelmed or uncertain during the process. As your coach, I can provide guidance and support to help you navigate these emotions and develop strategies to manage stress. Additionally, mindfulness and yoga practices can be helpful tools to cultivate emotional resilience and reduce stress.

  • How does Somatic Coaching help me with my career transition?

    Somatic Coaching is a holistic approach that taps into the mind-body connection. During Somatic Coaching sessions clients connect deeply with themselves. Inner clarity emerges from this connection on how to approach a career or life transition. Read more about my approach to Somatic Coaching.

Other FAQs

  • How can CliftonStrengths® help me improve my work performance in my current job?

    CliftonStrengths® can be a valuable tool for individuals looking to improve their work performance in their current job. By identifying your strengths, you can develop a deeper understanding of how to leverage these talents to be more effective in your role. Additionally, understanding your colleagues' strengths can help you build stronger, more collaborative relationships and work more effectively as a team.

  • How can coaching help me develop a greater sense of self-awareness and self-discovery, and how does this impact my personal growth?

    As a coach, I believe that developing self-awareness and self-discovery is essential to personal growth. Through coaching sessions, we'll explore your values, strengths, and goals to help you gain a deeper understanding of who you are and what you want to achieve. By developing greater self-awareness, you can make more intentional choices that align with your values and goals, and ultimately enhance your personal growth.

  • In what ways can CliftonStrengths®, mindfulness, and embodied practices support my personal growth journey, both professionally and personally?

    CliftonStrengths®, mindfulness, and yoga practices can be powerful tools to support your personal growth journey. CliftonStrengths® can help you identify your natural talents and strengths, which can be valuable in both your professional and personal life. Mindfulness practices can help you cultivate greater self-awareness and emotional resilience, which can enhance your personal growth and overall wellbeing. Embodied practices can help develop interoception, the ability to sense your body, which can have a positive impact on all areas of your life.

  • How can coaching help me develop a growth mindset and overcome limiting beliefs, and what impact can this have on my personal growth and career success?

    As your coach, I'll work with you to identify and challenge any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back, and support you in developing a more positive and growth-oriented mindset. We’ll use coaching and mindfulness tools to help identify the limiting beliefs and encourage powerful, new supportive inner dialogues to emerge.

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